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A bunch of buffoons play music sorta. They’re uh – not good…not great.

90s and 2000s covers with some originals. their sound is basically: grungified.

they post there, not here:

Would you like to know more?
(like the Starship Troopers reference GET IT?)


poutine machine. guitarist. part cat.


singer i guess and bass too


he too, is in the band.

We didn’t set out to make our jam space so sweet but it is what it is

Over 200 Section Templates

We play not just loud but LOUD.
For this reason, the Goblet of Earplugs exists.

Available Directly in Page Builder

Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut non enim eleifend felis pretium feugiat. Vivamus quis mi.

One Click Template Insert

Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero.

Keep Learning More

here’s a bunch a spinning numbers


what this website scores on


would be a good for goal for followers


kirill's favourite number
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followed the white rabbit then eh?

congrats you’ve escaped the matrix

here are out socials again
if you can’t tell, this website exists solely to bring you to:


Our main social thing we post to:
Instagram (@evenoddity)

Longer form stuff be here:
YouTube (@even.oddity)

And for like events and whatever:
facebook (i Even Oddity)